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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Just Love My Tuesday..

A fellow blogger gave me a wonderful write up on her blog.. smile.. please check it out!!

It was a nice thing to see when I got on my emails.. smile.

Well.. my day is been a rather boring day.. just the usual.. gardening.. picked tomatoes.. folded clothes, did some straightening up.. worked on some sales stuff.. just the usual things I do.. every day..

We did watch a nice movie yesterday.. Trepass with Nicolas Cage and Nicole Kidman.. I have to say it kept me on my seat.. it was even hard to crochet while watching it.. we watched it on our Roku.. on Netflix.. anyone else got a Roku.. or Netflix.. I tell you.. it was one of the best things we bought.. we basically cancelled our cable after that.. why pay all that money when you can just spend $8 per month on Netflix.. the Roku box is a one time cost.. we got ours on Craig's List for $50.. and it was still in the box!  The Roku has tons of stations to watch.. alot of them are free too.  We pay for both Netflix and Hulu + as they have closed captioning which is wonderful when you are hearing impaired!  You should check them out!!

Anyways.. I got the slipper part done.. now working on Teddybear heads to attach. Hope to have pictures soon.. hope you all have a nice day.. see you tomorrow..

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