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Saturday, March 4, 2023

Life gets crazy!

 I just have been so busy.. life gets in the way sometimes.. first one of my cats ended up with a lump in his leg.. thankfully it was just a abscess, not a tumor.. would really been more upset if it was cancer.. 

Then at the same time, one of my friends had to move.. so I was busy driving to and from here to Buffalo to get her boxes and drive her places.. and when I was home.. I was too burnt to do much of anything.. 

I did get my Easter towels so am starting to work on those.. ordered the buttons last night.. by the time they get here I will have a bunch done and just need to add the buttons.. so that will be my goal this weekend..

I am still working on rearranging this place.. should have some photos next week.. these cabinets I got are really great.. am so glad I got them.. Here is one photo from when I first got it.. I have alot more now.. wider here and also some in the bedroom.. things are getting there.. I have places for most of my yarn now and my books.. things are being shifted weekly.. lol. 

Tomorrow will be the start of my new sale this month.. this month the focus will be on clearing out crochet and knitting pattern books and magazines.. so yes, that is what will be on sale.. 

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